St Francis de Sales Catholic

Church Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8AZ

0208 808 2923

St Francis de Sales Catholic

Infant and Junior School

  1. Key Information
  2. Safeguarding


If you have a concern about the safety of a child, please report your concerns to the school. You can do so by ringing the school office and asking to speak to Mr Lane, Mrs Bracken or any of the senior team. Please let the office staff know you wish to discuss a serious safeguarding issue.

Alternatively, you can contact Haringey Social Care directly by visiting the website…

Child Protection | Haringey Council

Or call Haringey Council directly…
Office hours
Phone: 020 8489 4470 - Monday to Thursday: 8.45am to 5pm; Friday: 8.45am to 4.45pm
Out of office hours (including weekends)
Phone: 020 8489 0000
Calls to the emergency duty team will be logged by a call centre. An emergency duty social worker will ring you back.



St Francis de Sales Catholic Infant and Junior School ensures that all relevant pre-employment checks are carried out on employees and workers engaged directly. In particular, the following specific safeguarding checks are carried out:


  • All employees/workers appointed/engaged prior to March 2002 (and with no subsequent change to their employment arrangement requiring a further check) have been subject to a check against List 99; additionally, those appointed between 1989 and March 2002 would have been subject to a satisfactory police check;

  •  All employees/workers appointed/engaged since March 2002 have been subject to a satisfactory Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. This check included a check against List 99;

  •  All employees/workers appointed/engaged since 12th October 2009 have been subject to a satisfactory Enhanced CRB check, including a check against List 99/Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) Barred List;


All employees/workers appointed/engaged since 1st December 2012 have been subject to a satisfactory Enhanced with Barred List check through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).


St Francis de Sales Catholic Infant and Junior School also ensures that relevant employees, and workers engaged directly are not disqualified under the Childcare Act 2006 and the Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations 2009 from:


  • Early Years provision - providing any care (including education) for a child up to and including reception age (from birth to 1st September following the child’s 5th birthday);

  •  Later Years provision – working in childcare provided by the school outside of school hours for children who are above reception age but who have not attained the age of 8.

  •  Management of any of the above provisions.


Such employees and workers are required to sign an annual declaration to confirm that there has been no change to their criminal record and that they are not disqualified under the Childcare Disqualification Regulations.


Unsupervised, regular volunteers are also subject to the above safeguarding checks.

Supervised, regular volunteers are subject to the above safeguarding checks, with the current exception of the Children’s Barred List check.

All school staff and workers engaged directly are issued with photographic School ID.

As appropriate, visitors to the school are asked to provide a Photographic ID wherever possible.


Third party organizations, deploying staff or workers to the school are required to provide confirmation that pre-employment and safeguarding checks relevant to the role have been carried out.