St Francis de Sales Catholic

Church Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8AZ

0208 808 2923

St Francis de Sales Catholic

Infant and Junior School

  1. Our School
  2. Welcome from Headteacher


Our school:

St Francis de Sales school is a three form entry federated infant and junior school (a federation means that the infant and junior schools used to be separate schools – but now the two schools are united under one headteacher). We serve a community of nearly 700 pupils from nursery through to year 6.

At St Francis every child is encouraged to discover and nurture their God-given ability through a stimulating curriculum. Our aim is to engage and inspire our pupils by going beyond the restrictions of the national curriculum – producing youngsters who can take up their place in secondary education and the world of work with the knowledge and confidence they need to be successful.

For more information about what we teach and how we teach it, refer to our curriculum statement here.

As a Catholic school, our overall goal is to fulfil the Church’s mission in education by ensuring we provide the highest level of academic achievement in a moral and spiritual framework. So, at St Francis, we aim to have a school where;

  • Parents can trust that their children are being academically challenged in a caring environment
  • Children are enthusiastic and independent learners motivated by the rich and varied curriculum
  • Each individual is developed to take their place as active and productive member of the Catholic community and within the wider world


Our mission: 

To accomplish these aims, we strive to follow the guidance of St Francis himself, who said;

 “Be who you are and be that well.”

 This motivates everyone at the school to be the best that we can be and this is reflected in our mission statement;

 “At St Francis de Sales every child will achieve their own personal excellence by making outstanding progress in their academic, social and spiritual development. This will enable them to excel at secondary school and then attend a further educational institution should they choose.”


Our values:

Underpinning everything we do are our values – the core principles which drive our behaviours at all times. It is our strong belief that pupils who are aspirational, respectful, resilient, engaged, team-players will be successful in anything they choose to do.

Not only will you see our values prominently displayed throughout our school (see the examples below), but you will notice how the values shine through in the behaviour of our pupils.

We also ensure our pupils understand the wider ‘British values’ – these are democracy, the rule of law, liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. These British values link very closely to our school values and they are promoted through all elements of the school curriculum, systems and processes.

Our values also support in our school’s statutory Prevent Duty. This is the duty the government has given all schools to ensure that we challenge any extreme view or ideology.

For more information on our values and how we promote them, please refer to our ‘Promoting British Values Policy here and on our Prevent Duty here.



In striving to be extraordinary we will...

  • Believe in ourselves
  • Give our best effort
  • Be disciplined
  • Work hard and use time well  
  • Set clear and concise goals 
  • Follow exemplary role models 


In striving to engage joyfully in our work we will...

  • Always praise effort 
  • Show enjoyment in work and learning  
  • Remain purposeful and motivated  
  • Acknowledge successes
  • Be creative in our approach  
  • Inspire others through my own actions and attitude


In striving to be respectful we will...

  • Do as we would be done by
  • Follow the rules  
  • Listen thoughtfully and disagree tactfully
  • Have outstanding presentation of self; Appearance, Words
  • Be creative in our approach  
  • Be polite and well mannered


In striving to show resilience we will...

  • Take risks
  • Remain flexible
  • Show determination
  • Aim for a clear goal
  • Have outstanding attendance and punctuality



In striving to work collaboratively we will...

  • Believe in the school's mission and values
  • Avoid conflict through dialogue
  • Remain positive at all times
  • Be willing to liaise and share
  • Show support for others 
  • Show emotional intelligence 

Our Successes:

As an infant and junior school federation, we still have two inspections. The junior school was judged to be 'good' but with outstanding leadership and behaviour by Ofsted June 2016 (see here), the infant school was judged to be ‘good’ with outstanding leadership and behaviour by Ofsted in Jan 2019 (see here).

 Particularly pleasing comments were …


“Under the inspirational leadership of the headteacher, this school is going from strength to strength. He has embedded a culture of high aspiration for all within a caring faith ethos.”


“Leadership is outstanding. The executive headteacher, head of school and deputy headteacher are highly ambitious for all pupils. They have created a culture of ‘no excuses’ and high expectations, and these are part and parcel of everyday school life. “


"Behaviour is outstanding. Pupils look after each other and unkindness is not tolerated. Pupils’ are extremely respectful, polite and courteous. They feel safe and are very well cared for. Leaders provide excellent opportunities for pupils’ personal development. Pupils display exceptionally strong attitudes to learning.


"Pupils’ welfare is at the heart of the school’s work."


"Pupils believe that they can achieve great things if they work hard and apply themselves well to their work. One pupil said, ‘Children from Tottenham don’t often go to university but we will."


"The atmosphere of aspiration which pervades the school is as strong among the staff team as it is among pupils. As a result, teaching has improved and teachers are keen to develop their skills even further."